
Aug 14, 2020

This release completes the library content of the AppImage files and Zero Install archives to make them compatible with more Linux distributions. You only need to upgrade if you are on Linux and would like to use the AppImage distribution. Affected Zero Install users get upgraded automatically, everyone else was not affected and can stick to

Built from v0.

Game Client Downloads

Windows: armagetronad-

Linux 64 Bit: ArmagetronAdvanced-

Linux 32 Bit: ArmagetronAdvanced-32bit-

Game Server Downloads

Windows: armagetronad-dedicated-

Linux 64 Bit: ArmagetronAdvancedDedicated-

Linux 32 Bit: ArmagetronAdvancedDedicated-32bit-

Source Downloads

Tarball: armagetronad-

ZIP for Windows Builds: armagetronad-source-

This is a proper Release and should be safe for everyone to use.

Patch Notes

Changes since

Fixed Bugs
  • Can’t open the .appimage file. Missing libwebp.so.5 (#54)

Manuel Moos