Changes since Fixed Bugs - Ubuntu PPA release candidate builds would overwrite previous stable releases (#15) - Bad video mode error recovery (#23) - Crash when entering any game on client on OpenBSD+clang (#30) - mathexpr.cpp: exp10 not available on OpenBSD (#31) - Global keyboard actions, like fullscreen toggle, triggered while entering text in text input fields (#32) - Windows: DPI scaling behavior wrong (#33) - AppRun script uses ~/.armagetronad as cache directory, should use ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-~/.cache}/armagetronad (#43) - Music does not work on SDL_Mixer > 2.0.1 (#64) - Work around Ubuntu sending spurious window activation messages (#68) - Ubuntu versions contain ppa1ppa1 (#70) - Website update waits for launchpad uploads that do not happen (#71) - Versioning script incorrectly takes current tag into account (#72) - Desktop/AppData/Icon files are installed in a wrong place during make install (#73) - Steam: No logging, does not work in pressure vessel (#77) - "xdg-icon-resource: command not found" on macOS (#83) - Retina display not working correctly (#88) - 0.4 macOS build crashes on startup (#94) - Fullscreen mode: flickering startup (#95) - Window title sometimes SDL_APP (#102) - Docker Image: Increase thread stack size (#104) - Client sends quickly typed chat message with last character missing (#106) - Fix invulnerability bug handling (#111) New Features - user.cfg fine grained upgrade system (#61) - Add AppImage zsync update data (#78) - Provide docker image for the dedicated server (#79) - Add option for low DPI rendering (#96) - Make window resizable (#97) Other Changes - Improve sound (#45) - Pasting does not properly handle unicode input (#51) - Flatpak adaptions (#75) - Improve deployment cancellation (#80) - macOS Build (#82) - Crash when votes are issued (#84) - Better detection for boost-thread (#85) - Add macOS dmg bundling (#86) - Integrate macOS build into pipeline (#87) - Windows debug build crashes on startup (#91) - 0.2.9 clients lose connection on 0.4 server (#98) - Backslashes not escaped when saving to user.cfg (#110) - Window size sometimes not set (#116) - Window drifts when toggling to fullscreen and back (#117) - fadeout name improvements (#121) - Crash on dedicated server startup (#122) Contributors Armanelgtron, AsciiWolf, Christian Mäder, Cosimo Cecchi, Daniel Harple, Dave Fancella, Foster McLane, Hugh McMaster, Jip, Luke-Jr, Manuel Moos, Matias Pino, Niklas Karbaum (ai.tron), Viorel-Cătălin Răpițeanu, Vitty, Voodoo, Yann Kaiser, armagetron at, epsy, guru3, madmax, philippeqc, pnoexz at, wrtlprnft, yarrt